
Büffel Tri-Tip aus dem Heubett

Buffalo Tri-Tip from the Hay Bed

The versatile tri-tip from the buffalo, also known as the mayor's piece, is ideal for smoking, stewing or short roasting. In this recipe, the extremely delicious cut was indirectly grilled on a b...

Büffel Meatballs im Baconmantel

Buffalo Meatballs in Bacon Coat

Attention: These little taste bombs are not for the faint of heart! Juicy buffalo mince stuffed with our multi-award winning buffalo mozzarella and wrapped with bacon. An outrageously delicious ...

Hausgemachte Pizza mit Büffelmozzarella D.O.P.

Homemade pizza with buffalo mozzarella D.O.P.

Delicious homemade pizza with creamy buffalo mozzarella D.O.P from Campania, fresh cherry tomatoes and premium olive oil. An absolute culinary delight from food blogger Marcel Felix from BBQlicat...

Asiatisches Büffel Tartar aus dem OFB

Asian buffalo tartare from the OFB

Incredibly delicious buffalo tartare on a refreshing, Asian marinade with lime, mint, ginger and garlic. A creation by food blogger Marcel Felix from

Doppelter Büffel Burger mit Mango Chili-Salsa

Double buffalo burger with mango chili salsa

The double buffalo burger with mango chili salsa is an absolute highlight! 180 grams of juicy buffalo meat with premium buffalo mozzarella in the freshly baked brioche bun. A delicious creation ...

Büffel Ribeye auf buntem Salat mit Süsskartoffel-Chips

Buffalo ribeye on colorful salad with sweet potato chips

Juicy buffalo ribeye steak in New York style from the OFB, on a colorful salad with buffalo mozzarella, sweet potato chips and raspberry lime vinaigrette. A heavenly composition by Marcel Felix (...

Sizilianischer Büffel Schmortopf aus dem Dutch Ofen

Sicilian buffalo casserole from the Dutch oven

Sicilian buffalo casserole from BBQ world champion Camillo “Don Caruso” Tomanek. During the long cooking time in the Dutch Oven, all flavors unfold and ensure a very special taste experience!

Vietnamesische Pho Suppe mit Büffelfleisch Steaks

Vietnamese Pho soup with buffalo meat steaks

Delicious! The already delicious pho soup from Vietnam gets that certain something thanks to our wafer-thin buffalo fillet steaks.

Buffalo fillet steak and cheese sandwich

Juicy buffalo fillet steaks with melted cheddar, caramelized onions and jalapeños on a crispy sandwich. There is an absolute risk of addiction here!