Goulash from the buffalo

Gulasch vom Büffel

Everyone knows goulash and goulash soup-from big to small and back again. Most often, these recipes are prepared with beef. Some also use mixed meat, pork and beef. Less known is the preparation of goulash with buffalo meat. A very nice number. Of course, such goulash can also be achieved using the usual goulash preparation method. In the Video You can see how the dish is spread in the Dutch oven, of course it also works in the pot on the stove…
(Author: Anja Auer)

Servings: 8
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Preparation time: 3 hours

2.5 kgBuffalo ragout
1 kg of onions
800 ml chunky tomatoes
3 tbsp clarified butter
2 green peppers
400g brune mushrooms
500 ml red wine
1 L Wildfond (alt. Beef broth)
200 ml Creme Fraiche
1 bunch of parsley
10 Wacholderbeeren
5 bay leaves
6 garlic cloves
4 The Mehl
4 THE Tomatenmark
3 tbsp paprika powder
2 tbsp sugar
Pepper (to taste)
Salt (to taste)

1. Cut the buffalo meat into bite-sized pieces and fry it in hot clarified butter.
2. Then stir in the tomato paste and toast, then stir in the paprika powder and let it roast too.
3. Add onions (roughly sliced) and chopped garlic and fry briefly.
4. Dust with flour and stir in and add the paprika.
5. Deglaze with red wine and pour wild stock and chopped tomatoes.
6. Add juniper berries and bay leaves, the sugar and sliced mushrooms. Stir
And let the cowboy goulash cook lightly for 3 hours.
7. Season with salt and pepper, serve with creme fraiche and chopped parsley.

Go to the complete videoHERE.

You can find more in the BBQ & Food magazine "Die Frau am Grill"Dutch Oven recipes.

Anja Auer is editor-in-chief of the BBQ & Food magazine “Die Frau am Grill”. In addition, she runs the largest YouTube channel on the subject of “crickets”, which is produced by a woman in the German-speaking world. Most of the recipes work not only on the grill but also on the stove and in the oven. More recipes can be found atwww.die-frau-am-grill.deAnd the YouTube channel www.youtube.com/diefrauamgrill


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