Appetizer in Italian

Vorspeise auf Italienisch

What are antipasti and what does buffalo bill have to do with it?

At Büffel Bill, we understand: Italian food is much more than just pizza and pasta. FromMozzarellaAnd parmesan to salami, prosciutto and salsiccia to tomatoes, olives and aubergine-the southern cuisine inspires with a rich variety of flavors,SpicesAnd tastes. And if you want to enjoy authentically, you should have a good appetite-because in the south four different courses are traditionally served. The classic ones make the startAntipasti. But what exactly is there on the plate?

Antipasti to eat

Even before the actual main course, the Italians can enjoy hearty flavors. Because a selection of antipasti (“before the meal”) should not be missing from any dinner. With a glass of wine you can have pickled vegetables here,Creamy mozzarella,Paper-thin salamiAnd dried ham taste good, while in the kitchen the pasta is slowly simmering and the sweet smell of the tomato sauce fills the room.

The Italian appetizer doesn't have any rules or recipes, but it's about sharing the food with friends and family-and trying a slice of the south with every bite. Because in Italian cuisine, the art of food is not only a question of taste, but also of community and enjoyment of every single moment. The bitter aroma of the olives harmonizes perfectly with the salty cheeseHearty meat delicaciesAnd the crispy-spicy bruschetta. No matter what ends up on the starter plate-each individual product impresses with its very own taste quality.

Large selection at Buffalo Bill

Already getting an appetite? Buffalo BillHas recognized the advantages of the Italian starter culture and has made it its business to bring the taste experience to life with buffalo products. That's why we don't just have our classic shopMozzarella di BufalaBut also a selection of the finest meat delicacies to discover. OurFiery-sharp buffalo salami SchiacciataIs particularly good with a disc of ciabatta,Creamy burrataAnd pickled artichoke hearts combine. If you prefer it a little milder, come with the spicyBuffalo Bresaola, A piece of Parmesan and fresh arugula to taste.

But watch out: Even if we would like to eat our fill with the antipasti, there are three more courses to enjoy after the Italian starter. In dem Sinne: Bon appetit!


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