Sweet potato with vegetable filling, buffalo mozzarella and buffalo fillet steak

Süsskartoffel mit Gemüsefüllung, Büffelmozzarella und Büffelfiletsteak

Sweet potato with a twist: filled with fine vegetables, creamy buffalo mozzarella and buffalo fillet steaks.


  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • Vegetables: Leek, savoy cabbage, cherry tomatoes, peppers, carrots
  • 150g Buffalo mozzarella
  • 2 buffalo fillet steaks
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • Spices: salt, lemon pepper, chili
  • Herb mix: rosemary, thyme, sage, 1 garlic clove

Preparation of sweet potato with vegetable filling:

  1. Cook sweet potatoes in the oven at 160 degrees
  2. Wash and finely chop the vegetables, then fry lightly with a little coconut oil and season with spices.
  3. When the sweet potato is soft, cut it and fill it with the vegetables and top with the buffalo mozzarella cut into strips
    Bake in the oven for another 15 minutes at 150 degrees

Preparation of buffalo fillet steak:

  1. Heat the coconut oil in a pan and fry the buffalo fillet steak for 1 minute on each side. Then cover the meat with the herbs.
  2. Place the pan with the meat in the oven for 4 - 7 minutes at 120 degrees

Bon appetit!

Many thanks to Jens Vaassen for preparing this delicious recipe.


Involtini von der Hüfte, mit Mozzarella, Bresaola & Polenta

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