Meat enjoyment with responsibility-for Buffalo Bill this is an affair of the heart. Our concern to offer high-quality buffalo and beef goes far beyond purely culinary aspects. We focus on quality, sustainability and ethical animal husbandry; For us, the well-being of animals and harmony with nature come first. We are therefore working together with renowned breeders who share our values to take meat enjoyment to a new, more sustainable level.
The “nose-to-tail” principle
When choosing our partner companies, we attach great importance to the fact that we have an identical view of animal welfare. The stress-free and species-appropriate rearing of the buffalo has absolute priority. This philosophy is reflected in the exceptional quality of our meat. Our principle, the so-called “nose-to-tail” principle, stands for respect for animals and sustainability. Because every piece of meat deserves our unqualified appreciation.
To protect male buffalo
The idea for Buffalo Bill has its origins in a touching realization: While reading a newspaper article about the production of buffalo mozzarella, our founders Manuel Ruess and Martin Jaser became aware of the sad fate of male buffalo calves. Often these were and are slaughtered after birth because they do not give milk and are therefore worthless for Mozarella production. In order to counter this unethical approach and to enable the male buffalo to live a longer life, Ruess and Jaser founded Büffel Bill.
International cooperation with breeders
Today we cooperate with buffalo breeders inItalyAnd Argentina. Our Italian buffalo graze in picturesque surroundings along the Amalfi Coast, feeding on fresh grasses and herbs that give our flesh its delicate, aromatic flavor. The Allgäu heifer grows up in Memmingen in the Allgäu and impresses with the unique taste that the willows covered with wildflowers and herbs give. Our German cattle breeders also contribute to sustainable agriculture by using land that is unsuitable for other animals.
A clear mission
Our mission at Büffel Bill is clear: We want to offer our customers unique culinary experiences and at the same time meet the highest ethical standards. Our sustainable meat production contributes to the preservation of nature and biodiversity. It is logical that we are firmly convinced that conscious meat consumption and ethical animal husbandry can go hand in hand.
Incomparable taste experiences-also for home
In our manufactory we strive to create incomparable taste experiences again and again. These can then be enjoyed in the upscale gastronomy and hotel industry as well as ordered by gourmets at home. With the purchase ofBuffaloMeat,MozzarellaOr othersDelicatessenOur customers actively support sustainable agriculture and set an example for responsible enjoyment.
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