Buffalo mozzarella-a handmade delicacy

Büffelmozzarella – eine handgemachte Delikatesse

Soon she will be at the door again-vacation time. Are you looking forward to your trip to Italy? Azure sea, a dreamlike climate and of course the incomparable food? Until then, you can easily get the Italian flair on your plate-with oursGourmet buffalo mozzarella from Campania. Since the late 16th In the 19th century, the term delicacy for exquisite things, today especially food, has established itself. These are selected with special care, are not part of everyday needs and are of particularly high quality-something that you treat yourself to. That's exactly what you wantWe by Buffalo BillOffer you-DelicatessenExquisite quality and exceptional taste.

Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP-Italian Cheese Art

Mozzarella making is still real craftsmanship. This is how the term itself came about-“mozzare” here means the separation of the individual pieces from the cheese mass with index finger and thumb. The buffalo mozzarella is one of the most famous and popular products of Campania, a region on the west coast of Italy. It is made from the fresh milk of the water buffalo cow, the gentle, manual processing creates the unique aroma and fresh scent of the mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP. The buffalo mozzarella is marked with the seal DOP, which as a protected designation of origin represents a high standard in manufacture, breeding and sale.

Big differences inItalian production facilities

Of course, in Italy there are many farms and pastures where water buffalo are kept. As in all industries, there are also major differences here-in breeding, production, quality and, above all, in the ethical handling of animals. Only a water buffalo cow can give the rich buffalo milk as a raw material for the production of the famous mozzarella. To do this, she must calving at least once a year. About half of the buffalo calves are male. On many farms they are killed after a few days because they are unusable for mozzarella production and too expensive for rearing. Unfortunately, the practice of "Crimitieri dei bufali" (German: Buffalo cemetery) is widespread, male water buffalo are simply disposed of in a cruel and illegal way. The organization Consorzio Tutela Mozzarella di Bufala Campana is trying to improve the living conditions of the animals, but under the general conditions in Italy it remains very difficult.

Family manufactory as an exclusive partner at Büffel Bill

For us at Buffalo Bill, animal dignity comes first-we want our contribution to ethical and sustainable mozzarella-andMeat consumptionAfford. After extensive research, we started looking for suitable partners ourselves and personally convinced ourselves on site that they meet our high standards. In a small family factory in the south of Italy, we found our DOP-certified exclusive partner who not only meets German quality standards, but also meets our personal requirements for animal welfare. The delicacy produced here has already been named the best buffalo mozzarella in Italy several times and our customers also attest to our exquisite taste. You can easily tell the high quality of a mozzarella by the fact that it is particularly creamy and has a slightly subtle acidity, but it doesn't taste out.

Get an appetite? Then we would be happy to recommend one of our special water buffalo mozzarella recipes. Here is theSummer treat.


Büffelfleisch - In die Grillsaison mit gutem Gewissen
Calmund: "Der Büffelmozzarella ist die nächste Stufe"

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