strictly limited | from 100 CHF purchase value

600g Filet Center Cut worth 78 CHF FREE

For purchases of 100 CHF or more, we will give you a 600g fillet center cut worth 78 CHF!

The item automatically ends up in your shopping cart.

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Autumn Recipe: Stuffed Buffalo Fillet

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Filet Center Cut
Buffalo Bresaola
Filet Center CutFilet Center Cut
Filet Center Cut Preis mit RabattVon 64.50 CHF (129.00 CHF/kg)
Buffalo BresaolaBuffalo Bresaola
Buffalo Bresaola Preis mit Rabatt8.90 CHF(111.25 CHF/kg)
Buffalo Mozzarella Campana D.O.P. | 250g
Buffalo Mozzarella Campana D.O.P. | 250g Preis mit Rabatt8.75 CHF(35.00 CHF/kg)

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