Water buffalo ragout with red cabbage and chestnut dumplings

Ragout vom Wasserbüffel mit Rotkohl und Maronenknödel

A homemade dish at a professional level from start to finish: the special ragout of the water buffalo is combined with classics and thus an absolute feast.

Ingredients for 4 people:

Red cabbage

  • 800g red cabbage
  • 1 pcs onion, white
  • 1 Pon Apple
  • 200ml Rotwein
  • Apple cider vinegar, as needed
  • 600ml apple juice
  • 2 tbsp lard
  • Spices: salt, pepper, sugar, bay, cinnamon, clove, allspice

The day before: Cut red cabbage into fine strips and marinate with salt, sugar and apple cider vinegar.

Heat the lard in a saucepan and cook the onions and apple in it colorlessly translucent. Add the red cabbage and after about 5 minutes deglaze with red wine and apple juice. Pour the cinnamon, laurel, clove and allspice into a spice, add to the red cabbage and cook over medium heat for about 1-2 hours. Finally, season with salt, pepper, sugar and vinegar.


  • 1kgWater Buffalo Ragout
  • 600g onions, white
  • 200ml Rotwein
  • About 800-1000 ml beef broth
  • 1tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 carrot
  • Cornstarch
  • To taste: salt, black pepper, chili

Heat a large casserole and fry the meat in about 2-3 rounds and set aside. Peel the onions, cut into fine strips and place in the same pot with the diced carrot and sauté. After about 10 minutes, add the tomato paste and continue roasting. When everything is nicely roasted after about 4 minutes, deglaze with the beef broth and red wine and add the meat back to the pot. Now to taste: add the laurel, juniper and allspice and cook covered for about 1-1.5 hours over a low heat. Finally, season with salt and pepper and set with a little cornstarch if necessary.

Chestnut dumplings

  • 100g chestnut, cooked, finely chopped
  • 300g white bread, diced, slightly dried
  • 1-2 Egg
  • 1 onion, white
  • ca 50-100ml Milch
  • 1 EL Butter

Sauté the onions and chestnut in a saucepan with the butter. Then mix with the rest of the ingredients and season to taste. Place on a large piece of cling film and form a roll. Then wrap in aluminum foil and cook in a large pot just below the boiling point for about 30 minutes. Cool, cut into slices and fry with butter in a pan.

Thank you event chef Eric Reeh for this great recipe! Click here for his website: www.ericreeh.de


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