Braised buffalo cheeks with potato gratin and vegetables

Geschmorte Büffelbäckchen mit Kartoffelgratin und Gemüse
Delicious buffalo cheeks with fresh potato gratin and crunchy vegetables. A very special dish combined with classics ..

Ingredients for 4 people:


  • 1kgBuffalo cheeks, Ready to kitchen
  • 300g mixed root vegetables (carrots, celery, onion, leeks)
    Washed and roughly cut
  • 1 The Tomatenmark
  • 200ml red wine, dry
  • 200ml port, red
  • 1l Rinder
  • Spices: salt, black pepper, juniper, laurel
  • 50ml rapeseed oil

Heat 50ml of rapeseed oil in a roaster, season buffalo cheeks with salt and pepper and fry over medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes all over brown. Remove buffalo cheeks from the roaster. Fry carrots, celery in it over high heat for 3-4 minutes. Add onions and leeks and fry for another 3-4 minutes. Add tomato paste and fry briefly while stirring. Deglaze with red wine and port and boil down strongly. Fill with the stock so that the meat is completely covered. Add the laurel and juniper, bring to the boil briefly and in the preheated oven at 130 ° C for approx. 4-6 hours cook. Remove the laurel and juniper. Puree the vegetables very finely in the roast stock with a magic wand until you get a creamy smooth sauce. Quarter buffalo cheeks and place back in sauce. Bring to the boil briefly and season to taste as needed.


  • 800g of mealy potatoes
  • 400ml cream
  • 100g Parmesan
  • 1 clove garlic, finely grated
  • 1 sprig rosemary, finely chopped
  • Spices: salt, black pepper

Wash the potatoes, finely chop and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Then season vigorously with salt and pepper and place in a baking dish.
Bake in a preheated oven at 130 ° C for about 60 minutes, and bake briefly on high heat until golden brown if necessary. Let cool briefly and cut into smaller pieces. Then keep warm in the oven.


  • 500g green asparagus
  • 1 southern paprika, red
  • 1 El Olivenöl
  • 1 El Butter
  • Spices: salt, black pepper

Clean the asparagus and paprika and fry briefly in a hot pan with the oil and butter.
Then season with salt and pepper.

Thank you event chef Eric Reeh for this great recipe! Click here for his website:


Büffelschwanz mit Tagliatelle, Burrata, Mischpilze, Zitrone und Wacholderrahm

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